Time for some good old-school goth rock and post-punk in the cellar once again. The kind of music that makes you want to dye your hair black and use a jumbo pack of gel to make it stand in all directions. Eyeliner music for touching up your black nail polish. At the last Downstage of October, we’re serving up a double bill, as the wind blows straight through the cellar walls and the ghosts of the 800-year-old cellar bar stir. Greek band Chain Cult is well comparable to Sisters of Mercy, Siouxsie & the Banshees, or Sad Lovers & Giants, building their urgent post-punk songs with a salvo of chorus effects and solid bass lines. French band Bleakness adds a nice dose of The Cure to the mix, with vocals that seem to come straight from hardcore punk. A night just like they experienced 40 years ago! October 26th, cellar bar! | Hugo