Henhouse ProwlersUSA
The Leadbeaters
Traditional and progressive minded Bluegrass double-bill
Dit concert is verplaatst naar donderdag 23 juni 2022 i.v.m. de corona crisis. Kaarten blijven geldig. Kaartkopers hebben bericht gehad.
Restitutie aanvragen
Kun je niet op de nieuwe datum, stuur dan een mail naar [email protected] met daarin je IBAN en de naam van het concert. Dit kan tot uiterlijk 1 juni 2021. Daarna nemen we geen tickets meer terug.
ENG: This concert is rescheduled to thursday June 23rd 2022 due to the corona crisis. Tickets remain valid. Unable to attend? To get a refund, send an email to [email protected] with the name of the event and your IBAN. Refunds are possible until June 1st 2021.
Vragen/questions? [email protected]
The Henhouse Prowlers are bluegrass ambassadors. Founded 17 years ago with the simple desire to play original and powerful bluegrass, this quartet now finds themselves at the intersection of performance, diplomacy and education.
On stage, the group’s enthralling performances give audiences a sense of how much they love what they do. On record – including their 2021 release and ninth full length album, The Departure – the band explores their collective life experiences through songwriting and intricate instrumentation. While bluegrass is the undeniable foundation of the Prowlers music, the band bends and squeezes the traditional form into a sound all their own.
Support The Leadbeaters are a band that brings a mixed grill of American traditionals, old time, blues, bluegrass, folk and gospel.
Henhouse Prowlers | Official Website