Monday 22 MayNeptune Frost
Anisia Uzeyman & Saul Williams, RWA 2021
Neptune Frost is many things: a queer love story, an anti-colonial cyberpunk film, an afro-futuristic musical, a low-budget surreal sci-fi… And it works. You might think it becomes chaos when a movie has so many elements, but it works. Beautifully shot in neon colors, Neptune Frost takes a critical stance towards the exploitation of the African population in the bauxite mines by Western tech companies. This anti-capitalist message is accompanied by innovative costumes and an intriguing soundtrack.
The film is directed by multi-talents Saul Williams and Anisia Uzeyman. With little money and maximum imagination, they create a futuristic world in which dream and reality intertwine, and where time and gender become fluid phenomena. In short, this film has all the characteristics to become a true queer cult classic.
This screening takes place in collaboration with Queer Pride Groningen. VERA Zienema is wheelchair accessible. Report yourself at the front entrance, someone will pick you up and bring you in through the back entrance.
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