Patriarchy hating punk group
Waterschade sounds like a project group in some random polder, suing the municipality with stacks of folders under their arm, but nothing could be further from the truth. Waterschade is a four-person punk collective from Haarlem! Although they don’t keep folders with official documents or regularly chat on the phone with programs like De Monitor and Radar, they are definitely against certain things. For example, they are not at all fond of annoying things like capitalism, patriarchy, or racism.
With a dose of hardcore punk, screaming, and screeching guitars, they’ve already managed to blow the roof off at events like Le Guess Who, The Hands Off Project, and Arnhem — especially the latter is quite a challenge. Now it’s time for a solo show at the basement bar of Vera Groningen. If you’re smart, you’ll head to Crows beforehand, another amazing band. This promises to be a fantastic Vera night. See you then! | Wietse