Emily Jane White is a musician, songwriter, and poet from Oakland, CA. She began performing under her own name in 2003 and released her first album “Dark Undercoat” in 2007, followed by “Victorian America”, “Ode to Sentience”, “Blood/Lines,” “They Moved in Shadow All Together”. White has cultivated a dedicated audience in Europe and North America.

“They Moved in Shadow All Together” (2016), Emily’s fifth album, was recorded at Tiny Telephone studio in San Francisco, CA, and New and Improved studio in Oakland, CA, between December 2013 and September 2015.

Queen of the Meadow is the musical project of Helen Ferguson, author and composer of intimate and pared-down pieces. Songs of delicate arrangements, solo performed by this Bordeaux based folk artist. Her first album entitled ‘Aligned with Juniper’ was released in June 2016. Her second album was entitled ‘A Room to Store Happiness’ and released October 5th 2018. Here, melancholy is certainly present, in the many layers of vocals, in the deep low timbre that Helen’s voice can take or in the gentle guitar arpeggios. But the album is before all a room imagined to collect little moments of life, so that Helen, and her listener can come visit them. The emotions which are stored there are intimate but luminous, melancholic yet combative.