Friday 28 FebruaryPloegendienst
Nederlandstalige 100% anti-alles punk
Plowing on rocks. Without resistance, there is no beauty. Ploegendienst is still 100% anti-everything, “especially anti-everything people tell you to be.” Ploegendienst isn’t that band you saw tearing up a bar last year, even if they might resemble that. Ploegendienst is “constant growth“, “no fear“; a continuous tension. The four push each other to the limit, scraping the blood from under each other’s nails – and all that friction has never shined brighter than on their new album DSM-5.
Call it hardcore, call it punk, call it “venomous pop music“. Call it whatever you want, it doesn’t matter. Ploegendienst operates ruthlessly and exists only in the moment. That moment? You have to see the punk band led by Ray Fuego live to experience it.
Ploegendienst | Official Website