Tuesday 23 January
Holy Motors
Leos Carax, FRA & GER 2012
Zienema | Ticket: €5,- | doors: 20:00 - 20:30 | start: 20:30
File under: Neo-Dadaism, Surrealism
Note: 115 min, French, English, Chinese + English subtitles
Holy Motors is a neo-dadaist film full of erotica, chimps, latex, lycra, accordion music and a musical number by Kylie Minogue as a suicidal flight attendant.
Slip into the shoes of a rich man who gets carried around Paris in a limousine and in between performs all sorts of tasks and assumes guises such as a wealthy businessman, murderer, beggar, madman or family man. Each time he dives into a new role like an accomplished actor, but where are the cameras?
HOLY MOTORS was selected for the Golden Palm competition at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. The film critics there found French director Leos Carax’s comeback “completely bonkers,” “barking mad” and “certifiably nuts.
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